SteroidBulle (Predajňa)

The choice for the use of the required type of products is carried out depending on the goals set when drawing up the training program. For example, to reduce body weight, fat burners, L-carnitine, are taken, which accelerate the utilization of fats in the body, and also improve the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria. If it is necessary to gain muscle mass, then they use sports supplements belonging to the categories of gainers, proteins, amino acids, testosterone boosters. Also in the range of sports nutrition there are many complex products that are able to restore strength and energy, improve the general metabolism and many functions of the body.

Sports nutrition cannot be classified as a drug, its correct use is safe and non-addictive. It is advisable to select the sports nutrition required for training in accordance with the recommendations of qualified specialists in this field.

The main principle of nutrition is balance and the achievement of a specific sports goal. The required composition is selected as required and convenience of consumption. The energy for each cell is the hydrolysis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is synthesized by the cells of the body from carbohydrates. Thus, in human nutrition, carbohydrates play an important role in the energy supply of life. Food proteins are used by the cells of the body as the main material for building tissues. They can be sent to the production of ATP, but with the expense of more energy. Proteins are absorbed by the cells of the body using the biochemical signal "food", given by the hormone insulin. Insulin is reflexively produced by the pancreas when carbohydrates enter the digestive tract. The ratio of the intake of proteins and carbohydrates should not exceed one quarter of proteins in relation to carbohydrates, then the amount of insulin produced is enough for the assimilation of protein.

Different foods are digested at different rates, and this rate is often independent of their calorie content (see Glycemic Index). Before physical activity, usually quickly digestible foods are consumed, for the period of sleep - slowly digestible foods. In general, carbohydrates have the highest rate of absorption, followed by proteins, and lipids (fats) take the longest time to digest. Protein formulations are classified according to the rate of absorption based on the type of protein they contain. Protein from whey has the maximum absorption rate, protein from casein (curd protein), on the contrary, refers to the "slow" proteins. Quite often in sports nutrition, separately produced proteins, amino acids are mixed with carbohydrate-containing foods.
A person is more likely to fall ill with respiratory diseases with reduced immunity, one of the reasons for this phenomenon is the state of overtraining.

Vitamin E
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6 - essential for protein metabolism and transformation of amino acids;